
Envelope Vendor ($35 USD, USA Only)

Applications Open until (TBD) • Limited to 6 Spots • Includes Physical Envelope Membership

Envelope Vendors are the top featured vendors for RollyPolly Con! In addition to featured spots to promote their own personal store-fronts and commissions (if applicable) during the con- Envelope Vendors will submit artwork to Lucheek, who will turn the artwork into stickers! Envelope Members can buy these stickers during the convention, and have shipped all-together in their RollyPolly Con envelope! (When a con-goer doesn't have to pay for shipping for stickers from multiple sources, it can encourage them to buy more!) The creation, store-front, and shipping of the stickers is handled by Lucheek, Vendors don't have to worry about it. Best of all: 100% of the revenue from sticker sales will go to the Vendor, and the Vendor sets their own price for their stickers. (Any unsold stickers will be shipped to the Envelope Vendor after the convention, in their own Envelope- included as being part of a Vendor.) The “Envelope Vendor” program was designed with small content-creators in mind, who might not have access to create and fulfill physical products otherwise. Envelope Vendors will provide content for the digital Con-Book PDF, have dedicated channels in the server, and can promote personal store-fronts / commissions without offering any discount for Envelope Membership tiers.

Envelope Vendor opportunities are based on applications and approval by staff- they are not “first come, first serve.” Applications will close on (TBD DATE) or when we approve 6 vendors- whichever comes first. To apply, you will need to provide examples of your content, a US shipping address, and information about what products/services you offer or plan to offer (if any), and possibly ideas for your stickers.

If you have questions about the Envelope Vendor program, or wish to apply to be an Envelope Vendor, please contact Lucheek at AUSTINVANDERWILT@GMAIL.COM.

Artists / Creators (Free, World-Wide)

Applications Open until (TBD) • Limited Spots: TBD Amount • Includes Digital Envelope Membership

Artists/Creators will have spots on the RollyPolly Con website to promote their personal store-fronts, commissions, and/or other digital products, as well as shared section of the Discord Server for promotion of these products and services. RollyPolly Con will also help promote their work on social media leading up to the convention. Unlike Envelope Vendors, no part of creation/fulfillment of Artist's products or services is handled by RollyPolly Con.

This is a free opportunity that includes the normally paid Digital Envelope Membership (and a discounted upgrade to Physical Envelope Membership for US-based Artists/Creators.) RollyPolly Con asks in return that Artists/Creators provide two things: An exclusive discount (or discount code, for automated web-shops) for Envelope Members during the convention's dates, and an exclusive contribution to our con-book. The exact amount/type of discount is free to be decided by our artists/creators, and does not need to be for every type of product/service purchase- we'll ask you give us an idea of what you're planning to offer in your application. Additionally, the con-book contribution doesn't need to be a full page or grand undertaking, but only something that is unique for the con-book and otherwise “new.”

These spots are application-based (not first-come-first-serve), and are limited. Non-Visual Artists (such as musicians, videographers, writers, and costumers) and general “Content Creators” are welcome to apply- as long as you have some product or service to offer and promote that you have created! (Re-Sale and Retail is not applicable.) Applications should include a sample of previous work, links to any relevant store-fronts or payment handles, and a brief description of your ideas for con-book contribution and discount, or other ideas.

If you have questions about the Artist/Creator program, or wish to apply to be an Artist/Creator, please contact Lucheek at: AUSTINVANDERWILT@GMAIL.COM.

Panelists / Streamers (Free, World-Wide)

Applications Open until (TBD) • Limited Spots: TBD Amount • Includes Digital Envelope Membership

Panelists / Streamers will host events during RollyPolly Con, either on their own outside streaming platform(s), or through Discord channels (text or video) with-in the convention's sever. These events will be featured in the RollyPolly Con schedule as part of our programming. Please keep in mind, if you plan on using an outside streaming platform, we ask that all panelists (and convention-goers) maintain adherence to our Code of Conduct there too! Panelists/Streamers will be given a free Digital Envelope Membership, and promotion of their event before and through the convention. They may also contribute to the Con-Book, if desired.

Send your idea / pitch for an event you'd like to host at RollyPollly Con to Lucheek at: AUSTINVANDERWILT@GMAIL.COM!

Here are some things we are actively looking for, though if you have an idea for something else you think would be fun and engaging for con-goers, don't hesitate to pitch it!

  • Interactive Video Game Competitions we can link to the Con Competitions
  • Table-Top RPG or Board Game Play-Through we can link to the Con Competition
  • Music you've Created, for our Musical Showcase / Dance
  • Informative and Fun Panels about Creative, Historical or “Pop-Culture” Topics
  • Workshops, How-To's, or Follow-Along Creative Panels
  • Guided and Active Meet-Ups for Groups of Interest and Friend-Making

Staff / Moderator Volunteer

RollyPolly Con is also looking for STAFF MEMBERS to help regulate and moderate the convention, especially while Lucheek is asleep or away. Staff Members can also help run and organize the convention.

Staff will be competition-neutral, and will receive a Digital Envelope Membership (if outside the US) or Physical Envelope Membership (if inside the US.) These positions are personalized, and other opportunities/rewards might be available. Please reach out if you're interested or have something to contribute.

Sign Language Interpreter (Paid Opportunity)

Much of RollyPolly Con is audio-visual based, and in effort to make an inclusive digital convention experience, we're looking for American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter(s) to help translate audio-based experiences (such as panels and streams) to our guests. This is a paid opportunity, with exact rate to be discussed in private, and requires experience with ASL and the ability to do live video broadcasts.

Please contact Lucheek with your rates, availability during the convention, and expertise at AUSTINVANDERWILT@GMAIL.COM.